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Kira Vinokurova

Advocate. Partner. Co-Head of the Sanctions Law and Compliance Practice  |  vCard

Kira advises on sanctions law and compliance. She has extensive experience in large international oilfield services and energy companies, including holding senior positions.

In 2021, she completed Chief Compliance Officer professional training at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Kira has been an expert in risk compliance, with deep expertise in sanctions, since 2016. She has implemented a number of compliance development projects (sanctions, anti-corruption, labour) in large companies (500+ people).

Further, Kira has extensive experience in assessing sanctions, regulatory, compliance and reputational risks of clients, including the development of tactics and strategies intended to prevent and/or lift sanctions.

She regularly advises Russian and foreign businesses and individuals on the effect of EU, US, UK, Swiss, Canadian, Australian and other sanctions and restrictive measures, including Russian "counter-sanctions" and special economic measures.

Kira Vinokurova


Moscow State Linguistic University

National Research University Higher School of Economics


• Complex turnkey projects intended to develop compliance, including sanctions compliance, in industrial and IT companies.

• Obtaining special licences from EU and US regulators.

• Preparation of independent opinions about the client for the successful completion of KYC by a large Swiss bank and a number of other Western financial institutions.

• Adjustment of the client's profile in World-Check (Refinitiv) in order to reduce the period of his designation as a politically exposed person (PEP).

• Establishment of subsidiaries of a large UK company in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Turkey and comprehensive legal and compliance support

Specialist areas

• Sanctions law and compliance

• Removal / correction of profiles in World-Check (Refinitiv) and other compliance databases

• Management, protection and maintenance of reputation