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Aleksey Dobrynin: How much more are we to wait?". Ekho Moskvy", 26 April 2018

A year ago in Vsevolozhsk eight-year-old Kolya Nesterov rolled down a children's slide, hit a tightly stretched chain at the bottom and  broke his neck. There were no warnings about the chain around. Quite obviously, the chain was deliberately stretched across the slide to injure a child. But Kolya wasn't just simply injured. He died after two weeks of unconsciousness.

Only two weeks after his death investigator Fominskaya (let's memorize this surname) was so kind to initiate criminal proceedings under clause 109 CC RF - causing death by negligence.

For half a year we were trying to prove that head of the local youth club "ENERGIA" Alexander Gryunshtam was guilty in the death of the boy. It was he who stretched the chain at the bottom of the children's slide and neglected putting warning notices. His actions resulted in the death of Kolya Nesterov. In response investigator Fominskaya told the father of the dead boy that she would initiate criminal proceedings against him for abandoning the child in danger (cl. 125 CC RF) if advocates didn't stop their activity. One more time - she threatened to initiate criminal proceedings against the father who had witnessed how his son almost lost his head.

On 17 September 2017 we wrote a letter to Alexander Bastrykin asking him to pay attention to inaction of the investigation. And Alexander Ivanovitch did pay his attention. Next day Mr Gryunshtam was charged.

A month later we were received by the Head of the IC. As a result investigator Fominskaya was sacked, the criminal case passed for investigation to the higher department, a new criminal case under cl. 293 CC RF (negligence) initiated, and both cases were taken under personal control of the Chairman of the Investigation Committee.

Preliminary investigation into the death of the child was finished in January 2018. Investigator Nadezgda Dudko sent documents containing accusatory conclusion to the counsel for the prosecution to receive approval confirmation. Ten days later the criminal case was returned to her for additional investigation and removal of drawbacks found by the office of the public prosecutor. However, instead of taking criticism into consideration and getting rid of obvious defects and contradictions in the criminal case, investigator Dudko made a decision to appeal to the General Office of the Public Prosecutor against the decision of the counsel for the prosecution.

30 March the deputy of the Prosecutor General refused to satisfy the complaint.

Investigator Dudko did not resume investigation but laid another complaint, this time to the Prosecutor General against his own deputy.

20 April the Prosecutor General also refused to satisfy the complaint and sent the materials for additional investigation.

What will be the next step of bewitched investigator Dudko?

Will she appeal against the Prosecutor General or address the President? Or maybe she will pass something to the father whose advocates annoy her with their activity?

Is she likely to agree with the Prosecutor General and correct mistakes in order to bring the one responsible for the death of eight-year-old Kolya to account? A whole year! The family have already been struggling to achieve justice for a year!